Category: Internet

  • Technorati Score

    I used to visit technorati all the time to see my score. I didn’t care about anything else other than increasing my score. My personal website had a super low score, but’s score was rising. I kept adding blogs to it, and seeing how others had such high scores and doing the same techniques.…

  • Permalinks in 2007

    I have done four posts so far for #throwbackthursday, And I thought I would share the general permalink structure for 2007. Some of the top websites (I am just guessing, but sites I think were top back then), have a .html or .php attached to the end of there posts. used .html, but the…

  • How to transfer mysql db from old host to new host

    Today I had to transfer a mysql db from an old host to a new host. I used to do this with phpmyadmin and export the db and hope that it would work properly on upload. I did a quick google search today and came up with the line: $ mysqldump -u username -p’password’ old-db…

  • If you have a home button in your navigation, You lost the internet

    I am no web designer, I use the internet a lot. I don’t normally browse the internet per say, I use it to answer my question. But when a website tells a story, I will read it. But how I and a majority of people use the internet is like this, google question, website answer.…

  • I am Unsubscribing from Digg RSS

    So the time has come, There once was a time that I used to subscribe to Slashdot. It was hard but one day, I couldn’t handle any of the articles, I didn’t read any of them. Then came Digg, And I read most of the articles from there. But now, I don’t read anything, except…