The coroner

I didn’t know what to expect when I went to go pick up your belongings. I had never done anything like that before. I hadn’t read about it in a story or seen anything like it in a movie. I was worried about getting there on time and worried about parking.

I was the only car parked in the parking lot, and there was nobody in line. I went to the window, showed my ID, and they said to wait.

I was called into a room and there I waited. It was like an office but there was only one door and a window with a hole cut out where things get passed through. I brought a bag because I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t know what my father had on him.

He had some cash on him, but they give you a check and not cash. They gave me his wallet, which was empty and gave me all of what was in it, separately. I don’t remember the contents of what I came home with, but it wasn’t anything that I kept.

Most of it smelled and all of it didn’t have any sentimental value to me.

I was scared about doing it. But I was glad when it was all over.

The building was beautiful, very historic. It somehow made the whole process easier for me.