
Name: Weston De Boer

E-mail: poil11 @ gmail.com

How this all came about:

This is just my website, plain and simple. I don’t expect it to grwo any, just for me basically. SO in the future i can go back and look at everything that i have done.

I have had probably ten websites in my day. It all started when my friend started a poil website on tripod. So the first website was born at http://members.tripod.com/~poil52. That website isn’t up anymore after some legal problems. But soon after that http://members.tripod.com/poil11 started up. i made that because my friend was horrible at html and graphics and basically everything.

Soon after working on that website and finding out that it didn’t fit my needs space and speed wise. I soon bought the domain poilsports.net which i put up all my movies and pictures that we had taken over the years. I tried to make it into an extreme sports site working in conjuction with another domain that i owned, Extremeforums.org. Which was a forum based website where you could talk about extreme sports. Later on i bought the domain parksearch.net, which was going to be an all knowing repository of Skateboard/BMX/ROllerblading Parks across North America.

Every site worked in conjuction with each other. If you had an account at poilsports.net, that account worked at every other site in the network. You could post a review of a park on parksearch.net, then post pictures on the forums, and then comment on the articles at poilsports.net. It was all built on php using a mysql database. It was all made by me using various open source php programs combined.

Poilmail.com came out of this, where you can get your own @poil.net email adress. poil-sites.com, where you can build your own free website. I can’t even think of what else came out of it. I just know that i wanted to be the best programmer out there. And this was going to be my way of learning and figuring it out all at the same time.

I got a job doing basic programming and design and did that for about 3 years. It was the worst thing ever for me. after the second year i just didn’t care anymore about programming and just gave up on everything. I gave up on my own work, and i gave up on all of my websites. The domains expired and i didn’t care, the web hosting payments stopped. I didn’t care. The community was self sustaining, so i didn’t have to do anything for it to work. i probably had a membership base of about 300 people. Which was all based on word of mouth.

It was all a great learning experience for me. But in the end i basically learned that i didn’t want to program. And i didn’t like html and i didn’t like desinging. I just wanted to post news and let that be, and so hence here is this site.

This is just a site for me to post random links, Crazy information, Weird stuff that happens in my daily life. Everyone has crazy stuff happen in there life, and i love reading about it. I love hearing the stories.
