Category: Quotes

  • Slang

    Matt will cry knowing that i caught myself saying, “Fucking Ell.” He doesn’t read my blog anyways, so he will never know.

  • Does the Valley have cred now?

    If you missed the last episode of entourage your missing the best show on TV. Even though it is on HBO, it should still count for being t he best show on going on. If you haven’t seen an episode of entourage you should check it out now. If you don’t have HBO, I know…

  • Asstabards

    Converting a stylesheet to work for Internet Explorer 6 made me come up with this word today. Asstabards – A combination of the words Ass and Bastards. Meaning, …Ass..those bastards. Used in a sentance: IE6 is an assbastard. Assbastards i figured it out. Why is it spelled that way? Well your an Asstabard to ask…

  • Wedding Date Quote

    “Every woman has the exact love life that she wants.” The Wedding Date

  • I Love Talking About Nothing

    “i love talking about nothing. its the only thing i know anything about.” Oscar Wilde