The Rakes are Awesome

Last night was the first night that i went to cinspace on tuesday to see a band. I usually go there to dance, drink and check out the scene. I was kind of tired and i didn’t want to spend the whole night out, i just wanted to see the rakes and leave. The last good, or band that i remember seeing at cinespace was Goldie Looking Chain. It wasn’t a great performance, it was just damn funny. Steve Aoki has been promoting the rakes comign to LA, and it would be a free event, so i thought why not.

At 11:30 or so o clock, i thought the band The Rakes were on stage. There was like 9 people on stage and there were two girls. And they sounded a lot like daft punk. I was very much disapointed by the rakes, or who i thought were the rakes. After the end of the set, i was very happy to find out that the band wasn’t the rakes, but it was neon blond. An LA band that i have been wanting to see, and i can strike that band on the list. I later found out that the rakes were coming on next.

Finally i see Steve Aoki and Hillary Duff and Hillary Duff’s Boyfriend (i don’t know his name) walk passed. I knew that The Rakes were going to be coming on. Steve Aoki takes the stage and Anounces the rakes. I was excited at this point. I hadn’t heard any of the rakes songs, so i didn’t really know what to expect. I only knew that Steve Aoki had been pushing the rakes for awhile now.

They were awesome, when they took the stage the crowd went crazy. After the first two songs the crowd was off the hook. I was dancing, my friends were dancing. I hadn’t noticed it, but they had went on stage around one o clock in the morning. I wish i had pictures, i am going to wait for cobrasnake to put up some pictures from the night.

I loved The Rakes and i can’t wait to see them again one day. All the hype that was around them was justified. I love The Rakes and i am going to tell al my friends about them. While your here check out a couple of rakes songs.

The Rakes – Retreat (Phones Remix) (mp3)
The Rakes – Terror! (mp3)

Totally sweet.

Update 9/26: Links have been fixed
